IN OTHER WORDS Jhumpa Lahiri
This review appeared in today's The Indian Express.
Language is a filter through
which we view the world, and, on a trip to Florence in 1994, Jhumpa Lahiri was
captivated by a glimpse of one such view. The Italian language, she felt, was
one “with which I have to have a relationship”. After studying it for close to
20 years, she moved to Rome with her family in 2012. Here, she wrote much of her
new book, In Other Words: brief,
linked essays, most of which first appeared in Internazionale. The themes of exile and alienation that animate her
fiction are also present in this, her first work of non-fiction, marked by a
guileless prose style and a disarming frankness in examining shifting
identities and the need to write.
This review appeared in today's The Indian Express.

Writers such as Beckett,
Nabokov and Conrad have written in languages other than their mother tongue;
however, Beckett lived in France for years before writing in French, Nabokov learned
English as a child, and Conrad spent a long time absorbing English while at
sea. In contrast, Lahiri writes, “what I’m doing – daring to write in Italian
after living in Italy for barely a year – is different, out of the ordinary,
and so I feel an even more intense solitude”.
An over-abundance of metaphors
is one of the ways in which she conveys her experience of learning Italian. The
comparison with a love affair is an obvious one, but that apart, she speaks of
climbing a mountain, wading into a lake, filling a basket, trying on an
unfamiliar sweater, crossing a fragile bridge, and navigating a strange city. Strikingly,
“compared with [my newborn] Italian, my English is like a hairy, smelly
When it comes to her
newly-minted style and its self-perceived shortcomings, “one could say that my
writing in Italian is a type of unsalted bread”. “It works,” she continues, “but
the usual flavour is missing. On the other hand, I think it does have a style or
at least a character”. It does: there’s an affecting transparency to these
sentences, rendered into English by Ann Goldstein.
The first story that Lahiri
wrote in Italian (included here, along with another) begins with the sentence:
“There was a woman…who wanted to be another person”. This, as she points out,
with reference to her Indian parents and American upbringing, is no
co-incidence. “I think that studying Italian is a flight from the long clash in
my life between English and Bengali. A rejection of both the mother and the
stepmother. An independent path.” Writing in Italian, then, becomes a way to
chart an independent course for “my divided identity”; a means to bypass her “two
sides, neither well defined”. Evidently, such reflections also serve to
illumine the roots of her novels and short stories.
She’s equally candid about what
made her take to writing in the first place. It was “to tolerate myself [and] get
closer to everything that is outside of me…Writing is my only way of absorbing
and organising life. Otherwise it would terrify me, it would upset me too
much”. This, come to think of it, is a more impassioned way of rendering Graham
Greene’s statement that he wrote out of “a desire to reduce a chaos of
experience into some sort of order, and a hungry curiosity”.
Other Words comes across foremost as an act of self-exploration
by a writer without a specific homeland, a search for a location triangulated
by three languages. In Italian, she has “the freedom to be imperfect”, and this
limitation of words and life, along with strategies to overcome them, are what
she assiduously explores. Combining simplicity without shallowness and
sensitivity without self-indulgence, it is written in the language of the